I'm a photographer living in New York City. I recently graduated from Pace University with a BFA in Commercial Dance and a minor in Arts and Entertainment Management. Not long into my freshman year, I picked up a camera and began to shoot. I hardly have put my camera down since then.
I have been recently exploring the world of editorial imagery. This pushes the creative boundaries that I have set for myself. I am wanting to create new things compositionally so that my art isn't simply clicking a shutter button. As a fan of minimalism, I want my images to be clean, have a purpose, and be visually appealing to all viewers.
I thoroughly enjoy photographing dancers. With my advanced knowledge in dance, I am able to capture the "wow" moments that every dancer hopes to get when shooting with a photographer. I guide the shoots from behind the camera so that the dancer can go home at the end of the day knowing that they got the shots they were hoping for.
Beyond my more creative work, I also do headshots, social media content , and standard digitals for agency submissions. I also have experience in shooting wedding engagements and ceremonies.
I also enjoy photographing still life and architecture for my own portfolio.